Dog Boarding
In Dwarka

Caring & Compassionate Dog Boarding in Dwarka

Feeling reluctant to plan a vacation with the thought of leaving your dog behind unattended? Well! Don’t overthink. Another Home is a reliable dog boarding in Dwarka that takes good care of your dog when you are not around. You can leave your baby pet in our trusted hands and enjoy your vacation with the utmost peace of mind.

Top Dog Hostel In Delhi NCR


Basic Things That Should Be Present In A Dog Hostel

In a city like Delhi, Noida, or any region within an NCR circle, a dog hostel/boarding has become necessary. Keeping a dog at home is one such thing that every individual considers at one point of time in their life. However, in an area like a metropolitan city where the majority of the people are working professionals, they do not have sufficient time to give to their pets. This, at some point in time, affects their pet in terms of health, development, and, most importantly, its relationship with its human companion.

The situation seems to become worse when you need to go out of town and there is no one to take care of your pet.

Under these circumstances, a dog hostel can be the perfect option for a pet owner where they can leave their pet for the daytime or a few days in case they are going out of station. Along with that, spending a day at the dog hostel might be beneficial for the canines where they can find sufficient space and a suitable environment with other dogs. These things can affect their growth and development.

With the availability of numerous dog creches, a pet owner does have the option to prefer one over another. Some basic things that the pet owner needs to look for in a dog creche include:

  • Sanitation.
  • Sufficient Space for roaming.
  • Proper and separate small space/corner for the pet.
  • There should be a Pet-friendly environment at the dog hostel, which is necessary.
  • Availability of many other pets.

Why We Are The
Best Dog Boarding In Delhi?

You may find plenty of dog kennels in Dwarka, Delhi; however, below are some of the competitive advantages you can avail of by choosing us:

Abundant Accommodation Space

First thing first, you need to make sure that the amount of space available at the dog boarding is sufficient for your pet. At Another Home, they have plenty of space to run, play and relax. The accommodation space at us offers the proper ventilation, lighting, and temperature control. We strive to ensure that your pet doesn’t find a dog boarding a jail. We definitely don’t want this for your lovable dog and therefore offer an open and spacious environment.

Proper Cleaning & Sanitization

Cleanliness is also one of the most crucial points you need to consider when choosing dog care in Dwarka Mor. If not, it can make your dog prone to bacterial diseases. Therefore, we ensure that our space is clean and has no foul odours. Furthermore, the cleaning is done frequently to prevent harmful microbes that can make your dog ill. Top-notch cleaning facilities are offered including bathing and several others. Also, the offered things, such as a food bowl and drinking water are absolutely clean.

Prompt Medical Facilities

Medical care is one of the most crucial considerations while looking for a dog shelter in Dwarka. It is important for your dog to receive immediate medical attention in the hours of need. Therefore, we keep in touch with the local veteran near our pet boarding. We, as your loved and trusted dog boarding in Delhi, communicate with you by audio or video call in order to provide you with a better understanding of the problem. Also, we expect you to help us with the medical history of your pet so that it can aid in the better treatment of your pet.

Suitable Staffing Ratio

We leave nothing untouched when it comes to taking proper care of your dog at our day-care. On most days, our kennels receive demand for the dog-boarding and day-care. To guarantee that dogs are given the greatest care and are watched for safety, a justifiable staffing ratio is maintained at Another Home. Because dogs are pack animals, if one dog gets into a fight in a playgroup, other dogs may join in. It's critical to have enough people to keep an eye on the dogs so that they can intervene quickly if there's a problem. We have an adequate number of trained staffs who exactly know how and when to intervene in a tight situation.

Safety is Imperative at Another Home

The safety at the dog boarding is imperative. For this, we have double-gated security and tall fencing to prevent your dog from being lost or stolen. We recommend you consider microchipping your dogs before you leave them at our dog hostel in Dwarka. Heaven forbid it, but if your dog escapes, it helps us to track your pet down. We remove the collars or tags to keep detrimental injuries at bay. Furthermore, we keep stern eyes on your dog in the night-time as well, as it is the time when they are more prone to various threats. Furthermore, security cameras are installed at our dog care premises.

Friendly & Welcoming Dog Day-Care Environment

To maintain our unrivalled legacy as the best dog boarding in Dwarka, we ensure that the environment is soothing for your pets so that they don't feel away from home. It is clean and safe. Besides, our dog boarding offers sufficient protection against safety hazards. The rest area is dry, quiet, and comfortable. The bedding is changed on a regular basis. The vibe of the place is cheerful so that your amiable pets play and bond with the other dogs. Also, it has effective temperature control and ventilation to ensure the utmost comfort for your dog.

Buddy Day Care

Optimal Feeding

If you are leaving your dog for a short span of time, it is not wise to switch the food. When given a new diet, the digestive system can take time to adjust to the new food. Therefore, we offer your chosen food to your dog. Besides, if there is any discrepancy in the brand, we allow you to provide your diet plan to your dog at the kennel. Furthermore, if your dog requires any specific medicine with the food, we will provide the medication to your dog. We recommend you inquire about our feeding schedule in advance and slightly move your feeding schedule close to our schedule.

Entry After Vaccination Assurance

Although each kennel will have its own admissions requirements, one thing is certain: any quality kennel that values your dog's health will require proof of up-to-date vaccinations before allowing him in. so do we! It is because there are a variety of dangerous diseases that can spread quickly in areas with a large number of dogs, making kennels the ideal breeding ground for disease. The risk of your pet and others falling ill is reduced by ensuring that all canines are up to date on their vaccinations. We ensure the highest grade of safety standards so that you meet your dog back hale and hearty.

Buddy Day Care

Safest Pet Boarding In Delhi
Our Commitment

Separation from your dog can make your heart drown in sadness. However, you don’t want to leave any stone unturned to see him back hale and hearty. Therefore, we make sure that our pet boarding in Delhi takes the highest degree of care for your dog. Considering the essential points, we let you leave your dog in our safe hands and keep the stress at bay. Say Hello! We are just a call away!!

How Another Home Can Be The Best In Comparison To Other Pet Boarding Delhi?

Another Home is not just any other dog daycare center offering only accommodation on a per-day basis. It is a proper dog training facility dedicated to making your pet the best companion you can ever have. We not only have a space for accommodation, but we do have proper trainers having years of experience in training canines of every breed that is available in India.

Best Accommodation

While you can consider accommodation for your dog at any facility in pet boarding Delhi, none of them can replace Another Home from the list of the best pet boarding Delhi can have. Accommodation offered at other dog daycare facilities is just a formality of four walls of a steel cage. What your pet might need depends on its breed, as some might not be able to thrive in the hot and humid environment of India. These include the Siberian Husky and Leonberger, among many others.

Considering the demand for these double-coated canines in India, Another Home has taken one step forward by offering a proper, fully air-conditioned space where these pets can find a comfortable and familiar environment.


Unlike other pet boarding Delhi, Another Home is not just some dog hostel offering a homage. Here, you can find a team of dedicated dog trainers. Every pet staying at Another Home either on long-term or for a single day will have to follow the training regime. The objective of dog training is the mental simulation for socialization, and to create a better bond between the owner and the pet.

Proper Facilities

By this, we do not only cover food and clean water but also include various measures to prevent your dog from any happening like infection, accident, or any other. Any dog, before being admitted to Another best pet boarding Delhi, is screened for any infection or diseases and also offered vaccination if required. For this reason, a vet is available 24/7 or arranged to provide vaccinations.

Based on this, there is no doubt in saying that Another Home is one of the best facilities for pet boarding Delhi.