Canine Diseases Associated With Dog Boarding

Canine Diseases Associated With Dog Boarding

  Aug 04, 2023   |   1022   |    4 min read

For every working person with a pet, the dog boarding facility is a big relief where you can leave your pet under proper care. However, no matter where you leave your pet, they are always susceptible to diseases, especially when you are outside your native place. Also, no matter how hard anyone tries to keep their boarding facilities clean or sanitized, there are always some diseases that always thrive in the native area. The specific term used for this disease is “Social Diseases". However, that doesn’t mean you need to put your dog locked up inside the facilities. Here, we are going to discuss some of the common social diseases in dogs and some common preventive measures that you can take to protect your pet from these diseases.

Common Social Illness Of The Canines

Some of the most common social diseases to which the canines are most vulnerable include, even while staying at a dog boarding facility, includes Canine Parvovirus, Canine Distemper, Rabies, and Kennel Cough. All of these diseases have been listed below, along with their symptoms, preventive measures, and treatment.

Canine Parvovirus

This is one of the major fatal communicable diseases, which is a concern of every dog lover. Parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that spreads from one dog to another through droplets or contaminated faeces matter. Small droplets or faeces particles are carried on the animal hair and feet or left on common hotspots of boarding facilities like cage bars or others that get in contact with the skin of other pets. The disease has a high mortality rate affecting dogs of all age categories, among which the puppies with the highest risk of mortality. Major body parts which get affected by the Parvovirus include bone marrow, lymph nodes, the heart, and the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

Major symptoms of Canine Parvovirus are two syndromes which are discussed below:

  • Enteritis: it is the inflammation of the small intestine, which is characterized by other major symptoms like depression, appetite, vomiting, fever, and diarrhoea. In some cases, the inflammation in the mouth can also be detected. The incubation period for this syndrome is around 10-14 days.
  • Myocarditis: In this case, the virus has affected the muscles of the heart. Myocarditis usually affects puppies that are under 3 months of age. Symptoms through which this form of CPV can be detected is breath shortening or crying out. In this case, death occurs within a period of a few days or suddenly.

Treatment For Canine Parvovirus

Anyone infected with this disease needs to recover on their own. However, what pet owners can do is keep their pets in total isolation in the dog boarding facility from other external affecting factors. Another thing pet owners need to keep doing is to sanitize the surroundings in which they are keeping their dogs.

Canine Distemper

Distemper is currently the major fatal disease for canines, with the highest number of fatalities worldwide. The major cause why this disease is fatal is the affinity of the virus to live inside the dog’s body for many years in a cold state. Along with that, another major concern is that the majority of the pets affected do not show full symptoms. Thus it is difficult to decide whether your dog has been infected with this infection or not. Major parts of the body affected by the Canine Distemper include epithelial cells, eye membrane, breathing tubes, and intestinal tract. Along with that, Brain is the most vulnerable organ.

Symptoms In Canine Distemper

The Canine Distemper can be characterized in two stages which are discussed below in brief:

  • First Stage: The symptoms in the first stage include fever, loss of appetite, lethargy, and watery discharge from the nose and mouth. With the passage of days, the watery discharges get thick and yellow and are accompanied by a dry cough. Other major symptoms are the appearance of pus blisters in the abdomen and diarrhoea.
  • Second Stage: The second stage symptoms start to appear after two and three weeks. The pet will start showing the signing brain getting infected by the disease. Various symptoms indicate that include head shaking, chewing movements, seizures, kicking all over, and many others. After this, the chances of survival of the dog are zero.

Treatment For Canine Distemper

If detected early, the canine distemper can be treated with proper measures strictly under veterinary supervision. Currently, no antibiotic is available which can be effective against the infection. To overcome dehydration, fluid, and electrolytes can be used along with proper drugs to treat diarrhoea. Vaccination is a major preventive measure to treat this disease.

Board Your Pet At Another Home: A Perfect Disease-Free Accommodation For Dogs

The pet owner can board their pets at Another Home, where we keep your dog in a well-sterilized, disinfected environment. Also, we do provide vaccination facilities to keep your dog safe from various viral canine infections. We provide all the facilities like training, proper space, nutritional food, and many others. All these things will ensure the proper growth and development of your dog. So, without any worry, leave your pet at Another Home, the best dog boarding facility in Gurgaon.


Suggestion Reading: About Parvovirus In Puppies And Dogs