How To Remove Dog Ticks And Fleas With The Right Treatments?

How To Remove Dog Ticks And Fleas With The Right Treatments?

  Mar 06, 2023   |   689   |    4 min read

Ticks and fleas are insects that feed on your pet’s blood and can cause health issues. There are different ways to get rid of ticks and fleas. If your methods fail, you can visit the veterinary service center.

Look Out For These Symptoms In Your Furry Friend

In the earliest stages of the infection, spotting these pets might not be so obvious. There are signs that you should look out for in your pet:

  • There can be a lot of scabbiness and scraping.
  • Red spots will be on your dog’s skin that ticks might cause.
  • Signs of flea dirt.
  • You can spot a tick in your house.
  • Rashes and bumps on their skin cause most dogs to be allergic to tick bites.

How To Remove Dog Ticks And Fleas On Dogs?

Ticks are a lot easier to catch than fleas; they move slower and are much larger when compared to fleas. There will be a time when you will find them with their mouth embedded into their skin.

If it is the first time that your dog is getting ticks or fleas, then here are some hacks that will be useful for you:

  • Gently part your dog’s fur around the tick and keep it flat with your one hand.
  • Once you spot the ticks, grab them at a point as close to the skin as possible and pull them out gently.
  • Do not release the tick into the environment; it will simply crawl back.
  • You can kill it immediately or put it in a mixture of alcohol and vinegar.
  • Make sure to clean the bite area on your dog with a pet-safe antiseptic solution and wash your hands well.

Now that we have talked about ticks. It is now time to know about dog fleas.

Steps To Get Rid Of Fleas

Fleas can be fast, and catching them with bare hands can be difficult, and they will run through your pet’s fur when you try to catch them. Fleas can also jump very high and far, so you have to be prepared for a catch if you can game. Pet owners find it quite easy to kill the fleas by simply applying an anti-tick flea massage oil and then giving their dog an anti-tick and flea shampoo bath with warm water. You must continue this process for ten days until the infection is completely gone.

What Health-Related Issues Ticks And Fleas Can Do?

With fleas, there is a high chance of flea infection in your dog or cat, which can cause severe anaemia. They can cause severe flea bites dermatitis, and something as simple as flea-bite dermatitis can lead to a severe skin infection. Ticks can carry Lyme disease, rock mountain spotted fever, Ehrlichia, and Anaplasmosis, diseases even humans can get.

What Do Veterinarians Recommend For Tick And Fleas Treatment?

The treatment depends on your pet. In this case, many veterinary service centers give your furry friend a nice combination of products that may treat ticks and fleas and heartworm preventative and intestinal parasite control. Most veterinary care centers use a topical-based flea and tick treatment for some dogs.

What Should I Do If I Spot Fleas Or Ticks On My Dog?

You can first visit a veterinary service center or call one and explain your situation to them. In the case of ticks, the vet may want to remove them by themselves. Even if they are embedded or attached, they will ensure they remove them from all the parts.


We hope that you find this blog helpful. We have covered all the information about ticks and fleas and how you can treat them. If you need more information on this topic or have any related queries, you can contact us.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is tick season, and what happens during it?

The tick eggs formulate during the warmer months; that is why it’s called the “tick season” for dogs. However, the ticks are not completely absent during the other months; as a pet owner, you should always sleep with one eye open to look out for them. Learning to spot ticks at different stages can help you spot one at its earliest infection stage. And this can give you a clue as to how long it’s been there. Ticks can go via four live stages: Egg, Larva, Nymph, and Adult.

2. How does the dog get ticks?

The dogs commonly pick up from heavily wooded areas and places with tall grass. This can be your garden, your neighbor’s, or your park. And, your dog can also get ticks from another dog during their visit to the dog’s park or the vet clinic.

3. What are the symptoms of Lyme disease and tick fever in dogs?

The most common Lyme symptoms in dogs are fever, lethargy, disinterest in food or a loss of appetite, and swollen joints. If you ever suspect tick fever, we suggest a vet visit right away, as the sooner the treatment begins, the better.


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