Ways To Train Dog To Behave While On A Leash

Ways To Train Dog To Behave While On A Leash

  Jun 16, 2023   |   623   |    9 min read

Imparting your dog with the knowledge of a leash is a landmark that the owner or the dog walker of the dogs wants to reach. Once your dog becomes comfortable with the leash, it is easy for you to experience all the outer activities together. The foremost thing that matters here is how you train your dog. If you don’t have proper guidance, your dog will behave strangely when putting your pup on a leash.

So, take a deep dive into this complete guide to learn how to give leash training to dogs.

Way To Prevent Your Dog From Pulling The Leash

When the training reaches the climax point, loose leash walking should arise in your dog naturally. By this only, your dog will freely explore the environment and surroundings in which he/she feels safe.

Besides this, it is also true that many situations prevail under which dogs start to behave abnormally. They begin to pull or bite the leash as they express that they want freedom. In some other cases, they jump on or run toward other people. When this type of situation happens, you, as the owner, need to get ready to settle everything down. When your dog shows his power and pulls the leash, you must pull him back. It is not apt to stand down like a statue. Rather you have to call him back, and till then, you don’t dare to move anywhere.

If you notice some distraction that makes your dog lunge, try to take some safety measures. Move down and try to maintain some distance between your dog and the target upon which your buddy is focusing.

The Best Technique To Train An Adult Dog

The maxim is false enough that “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” As like all the rescues or the dogs that have a bad last memory with a leash, create a deep mistrust of leashes.” Thus, in giving them something to learn, be patient and consistent with them regarding the teaching pattern. Build a bond and a sense of trust if you want that your dog starts to rely on you.

Certainly, it is indeed hard to train an adult dog when we compare this with giving training to puppies. But it is no less rewarding, and it is like the similar feeling someone attained when he/she gave someone else the training to do the backflip and when the first time that person did that backflip.

Why Is Leash Training Becoming So Much Crucial?

Leash training is a significant aspect that plays a crucial role and enhances your relationship with your dog when you spend time with them. No one disagrees that getting them familiar with the leash increases safety. Similarly, some of the other benefits of training the dog on a leash are highlighted here, so scroll down.

  • Avoid any type of injury: Imparting the dogs how to be on a leash is necessary not because of safety from vehicles or other factors but because several other benefits also exist. Perfect training for your dog restricts them from pulling or tugging to get off the leash. It is crucial because it prevents them from any of the serious injuries that can cause due to pulling.
  • Helps in forming a stronger bond: Apart from the safety, it also enables the owner to form a stronger bond with their pet as they spend a lot of time together. Your dog will become intelligent enough to understand your signal by imparting the leash training. When this happens, a small amount of effort is required to put in, and it is directly connected with positive emotions from both you and your pet.
  • It helps stick to the law related to the leash: If you are adhering to the leash, you attain the right to visit those places; otherwise, visiting there wouldn’t be possible. It is true, as many parks and localities exist where putting your pet on a leash is mandatory. It also keeps your pet safe from high-traffic areas as you have control over it no matter whether leashes are allowed.
  • Inculcate the idea of manners and cooperation: Suppose when you are walking with your pet in some crowded area or a busy market, and your pet is receiving some smell or distractions from other people. Thinking of this only makes you tense for your pet. Here, you can witness the importance of a leash, due to which this walk seems like walking in a park. Hence, with the help of leash training, you can give your dog an idea about how to behave when living in a crowd. It also makes you aware of his/her reactions so you can form tactics for how to build up a positive experience while stuck in this scenario.
  • Assist in restraining behavioural issues: There is no need to put in extra effort if you train your dog; by this, your dog knows how to behave in a certain type of situation. Leash training makes your walk easier and simpler, and due to this, you’ll make your walk more consistent with them. It will infuse the sense of mental and physical stimulation that makes them happy and free from anger.

The Ideal Age To Start Training A Dog To Walk On A Leash

It is correctly said that the ideal time to create a mould is when the material is soft or warm. Likewise, at the starting time, I.e., the puppy stage, you need to start the leash training as it is the golden period.

You should begin with the training when your puppy lies in the age period of 4 to 6 weeks old. Puppies have a strong grasping power; they are fast learners and can become leash-walking experts in a short span.

How Do You Provide Training To Your Dog To Walk On A Leash?

You need to take care of certain things first, and to know what these are; you need to scroll down to know each of them.

  • Patience is the key: Take the time and proceed further with the process with a positive approach. Leash training is not an instant procedure, as it needs a lot of patience. More importantly, it depends on how receptive the dogs are. Some catch it promptly, while others take it gradually. The most important thing here is to be calm and composed and not lose hope if you see results gradually. The result that you gain from long-term training is far more valuable than temporary frustration.
  • Take the process easily: Begin the training by introducing a collar and leash, not randomly surprising them. Make them comfortable with this; otherwise, they’ll get scared of this for longer. In the starting phase, do this indoors and associate this with some treats so that the output will come greatly.
  • Select the apt place: When you think your dog gets comfortable with a collar and leash, it is the right time to start walking. You can start the process indoors, but then after, you need to find a place where there are no distractions. It will enable your puppy to roam in that area freely while making a habit of leash.
  • Include some sound cues: Use a simple sound or words like “yes” or “Come.” Perform this tactic of sound, and when your dog immediately looks at you, reward him with a treat. As time goes on, your dog will connect that sound with treats. So, whenever your dog hears that sound, it will come to you immediately in some seconds as he thinks a treat is waiting for them.
  • Proceed by following step-by-step: Once your dog becomes well-equipped with the command of coming to you, this is the moment when you need to move forward to teach other commands as well. Tell them about the “heel” command, as having a safe walk with your dog is mandatory every time you go away with it to walk. Open your mouth and say “heel,” and wait for your dog to be beside you; if your buddy does that, give him a treat. While following or learning the command, they also get used to walking while the owner is walking and simultaneously stopping when the owner stops.

You can’t equip your dogs with these commands or methods without consistency. Thus, form a habit of practicing it daily and remember to offer treats on every instruction that your dog follows.

Is There Anything Specific Needed To Start Training The Dogs With The Leash?

Surely, certain items are needed to start the training with the dogs regarding the leash. The list that consists of such types of items is given below, so please take a look:

  • Treats: Always pick the ones that your dog likes the most, as it will present you with the output in no time.
  • A leash: A simple and standard leash at least 4 feet long. It is apt for beginners.
  • A collar: Make the selection of the collar or harness by keeping in mind the type of dogs you have. For instance, suppose you have a pup then choose a nylon webbed fluffy collar that feels gentle and doesn’t put too much pressure on the neck.
  • Clicker: With this, you can make your training session more effective, engaging, and Interactive.

Tactics And Tips For Leash Training

The two most effective tips are given here by Another Home to make your leash training with the dogs flawless.

  • Choose a position of the leash to escalate comfort: Ideally, it is the way that the owner should hold the leash in his opposite hand. It means that if your dog is walking on the left-hand side, then as a dog walker, you should hold the leash in your right hand.
  • To make the grip stronger, put your hand in the loop present at the end of the leash. Never wrap the leash in your arm. Rather, take some extra leash and put it in your hand. Along with this, use your other hand to settle the extra remaining part of the leash.
  • Ensure that you are walking at an apt pace: Always begin walking for a shorter distance, as puppies don’t have much power to walk and get tired easily. After this, gradually increase the distance of the walking period.
  • Based on the dog’s size and fitness level, you can choose the walk's distance along with the duration. The ideal scenario is 20-25 minutes of walking twice a day for every type of dog. Try to walk steadily, as sometimes most dogs get too excited. This walking intends to exercise with your pet, not make them tired by running so fast.

Summing Up..!

Walking is vital enough to improve your dog’s health and fitness. And if we add leash training with this, your walk will upgrade into something you both are looking for. With the help of a leash, your pet can explore any place by maintaining their safety and fitness. All you need to do for this is to provide them with proper guidance and training. All the necessary information is stated here by us. Don’t forget the intent of the leash training is to have fun, enhance relationships, and make your dog safe.


Suggestion Reading: Dog Training Tips For First-Time Pet Owners